Terms & Conditions of Delivery

***Delivery lead-time

halfcirclepoint.com engages trusted THIRD PARTIES delivery agent(s) with Tracking System provided by the delivery agent(s). halfcirclepoint.com does not guarantee the exact date of delivery. Delivery lead-time is subjected to delivery agent and customer availability to receive. No refund or compensation will be made due to delivery delay by halfcirclepoint.com. Customer contact us to get latest status of delivery.

***Un-delivered items

halfcirclepoint.com will not be liable of any loss or delay of the delivery.
If ORDERS is undelivered , it will be returned to halfcirclepoint.com by the delivery agent(s), and halfcirclepoint.com will contact customer and arrange for re-delivery.
Customer will be charged for the re-delivery if deemed to be customer’s mistake. e.g. Wrong shipping address; Not available to receipt delivery within a reasonable period of time.
halfcirclepoint.com will re-delivery the order if found mistake incurred by halfcirclepoint.com, no extra fee is chargeable to the Customer but there will be no compensation on the delayed delivery.

***Damage during delivery
halfcirclepoint.com is pledged to provide utmost customers’ trust and satisfaction. All items will be inspected and securely packed before shipping.
halfcirclepoint.com engages trusted delivery agent(s), item(s) begin damaged during delivery shall be minimal. However, in event of such damaged cases, customer shall report info@ halfcirclepoint.com within 24hrs upon received of item(s).
halfcirclepoint.com will assess the damage based on case to case basis for possible “Replacement”. To assist our assessment, customer shall provide images of damaged item(s) and packaging.